Solar Bikini

Rechargeable Cell Phone to Wear a Bikini

Now not only severs as a bikini bathing suit, thanks to the development of increasingly sophisticated sophisticated technology, fashion is a two pieces can be uses to recharge the iPod battery, How ?
Solar bikini, as the name suggest, is basically a swimsuit made of
solar panels and can save electricity. Well, these clothes have a cable for charging gadgets. Not Just iPods but also gadgets such as digital cameras and music players. Quoted the device designed by Andrew Schneider, a designer from new your, He sold the solar Bikini with price 10 pounds.
You can recharger via USB connection with the solar Bikini, assuming that you are outdoors and sunlight said schneider. Solar Bikini wearer can still get wet in the ocean without worrying about broken devices. And if you want to do a refill they need to bask in the sun again.

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