Obama 2012

Could Barack Obama LOSE the US Presidency in 2012?

Some people think so. People like Karl Rove::: "Approval among younger voters has dropped 22 points, and it's dropped 20 points among Latinos. Even African-American voters are less excited about Mr. Obama than they were—and than he needs them to be. For example, if their share of the turnout drops just one point in North Carolina, Mr. Obama's 2008 winning margin there is wiped out two and a half times over."

So if Obama could lose the elction, who might win it? John Hogue seems to be rooting for Rick Perry.

FUN FACTS about RICK PERRY H/T The Reaganite Republican:::

  • Rick Perry has never lost an election
  • Perry is the longest-serving governor in Texas history at 10+ years now, and longest-serving in the US today
  • He just proposed a state budget cutting $15B over the next two years... love it
  • Texas has created half the new jobs in the US since the '07 crash
  • Texas leads the nation in job creation over Perry's 10 yrs in office
  • Perry is staunchly anti-tax... while pro-gun, pro-life, and pro-death penalty

John Fund at the WSJ warns do not underestimate Perry

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