Ba'asyir 15 Year Prison Sentence

The judges sentence him to Abu Bakar Ba'asyir to 15-year prison sentence. Amir Jamaat Tawhid Anshorut (JAT) was proven to have committed a criminal act of terrorism.

"To declare that the defendant Abu Bakar Ba'asyir proven legally and convincingly perform criminal acts of terrorism," said Chief Justice, Herri Swantoro when reading the verdict in the District Court (PN)  Jakarta, Thursday (06/16/2011).
The judge disagreed with prosecutors who wanted Ba'asyir was sentenced to life imprisonment. The panel of judges consisting Herri Swantoro, Aksir, Sudarwin, Ari Juwantoro and Aminul Umam assess the actions Ba'asyir does not support the government program to eradicate terrorists and Ba'asyir was never punished because it is considered as an aggravating assemblies. While the relief is the defendant behaved politely during the trial and has been aged.
According to the judges, Ba'asyir was evident in the indictment subsidiary Junto article 7 of chapter 14 uu 15 of 2003 criminal acts of terrorism. Ba'asyir was proven to plan or move others provide funds for military activities in Aceh. Funds collected proved Ba'asyir amounting to Rp 350 million, with details of Rp 150 million obtained from Haryadi Usman, and Rp 200 million from Usman Sharif, as well as a camcorder from Abdullah Al Katiri.  

The money was allegedly used for military training in the mountains of Jantho, Aceh Besar. The judge said the video Sudarwin members of military exercises in Aceh as a form of accountability reports and assured Hariadi and Sharif that the funds be used for jihad. "Procurement video that can be used to compile the facts," said Sudarwin.

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