GOLD as an investment...

I'm big on both collecting unique gold coins as well as buying and holding bullion, selling when the price rises on the international market.

The Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle $20 gold coin is perhaps the most unique collector's coin available today, and it is MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE Collectible coin! When I have extra investment funds, I use them to buy bullion!

Here's the "back story" - In 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt commissioned a personal friend and famous sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, to create a gold coin reminiscent of those used in Ancient Greece. The product was the Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle.The Double Eagle was first struck by the U.S. Mint in 1907. Although minting was halted in 1933 during the peak of the Great Depression, there were a number of these coins that remained in circulation, and today, they are among the most highly sought-after collectible coins.The coin features an image of Miss Liberty on one side and a majestic flying eagle on the other.

Spot Gold (NY Close): 1530.88 // +7.10 // +0.47%

It is perhaps foolish to have expected otherwise given the inconsistency in gold bullion price action over recent weeks, but after several days of seemingly forecast-able activity the yellow metal remains strong and stable.

Just last month, U.S. Mint buyers ordered 107,000 ounces of bullion Gold Eagles - the third-best May in the series' 25-year history!

Don't be afraid to buy gold bullion! Gold for centuries has been one of the most stable mineral monetary commodities on the market!

One thing you should make a mental note to do: always, if possible, take delivery of the gold bullion or coins you buy - and then and only then store them in a safe place, such as a bank deposit box - if you wouldn't feel right about having gold around or handling it, that's understandable! There are ways of empowering your dealer or mint to arrange to hold them for you in a vault. In come places and certain cases, this may be a requirement of law. (You really shouldn't keep a lot of gold in your house or apartment!)

Some people consider gold in an IRA (gold IRA) to be the ultimate asset. For U.S. residents, the 1997, the Tax Payer Relief Act made it possible for precious metals to be added to IRA accounts. This includes silver and platinum as well as gold. IRA account holders may place gold in IRAs as a means to diversify funds. The price of gold rises when stock prices drop. This can shore up your portfolio's value in a stock market down period.

Keep in mind that there is some level of risk in any financial investment transaction.
Among factors to consider: your age. The younger you are, the more room for risk.

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