Anthony Weiner

Former porn star Ginger Lee claimed was asked to lie by a Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner. "He asked me to lie that we never communicate, Lee said in a news conference.

But Lee denies ever send pictures or receive pictures from Anthony. He also never involved sexual conversation with him. Whenever he wanted to perform sexual conversation, she did not reciprocate.
Lee is one of six women who Anthony admittedly exchange messages online. Anthony sexual scandal erupted after he was caught sending half naked pictures on a student.
According to Lee, Anthony should retreat from its position as a congressman because he had lied to the public and the media for over a week.

Lee's attorney, Gloria Allred stated Lee and Anthonny elekstronik exchange of messages up to 100 times since March and ended just two weeks ago. Both had become followers of each other in their Twitter social media accounts. Lee Anthony claimed to have never met in person, he became followers on Twitter because of support for what he stand for.

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