Around The Blogosphere 03 February 2011

Here is a round-up of the latest in the blogs following developments in Egypt as of 11:00a.m.ET. Sources: Al Jazeera English, BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, The Atlantic and the Wall Street Journal ... A blogger at Carlan's Dream roots for the Egyptian people and reflects [ja] on how such protests would never take place in Japan where people tend to think “nothing is gonna change anyway!”.

The Twitter hashtag #Kenya28Feb calls upon Kenyans to voice their discontent with the political establishment and while #ChoosePeace calls on other Kenyans not to follow the ongoing trend of mass protests and disgruntlement, as has been witnessed in the Egyptian protests.

Anneryan looks at how Sudan Radio Service uses mobile technology into its work to both monitor the reach of its broadcasts and to solicit reader feedback

Xin Nian Kuai Le! - Or, Gong Hei Fat Choi! Whichever way you say it!! The Chinese Lunar New Year has begun!

Google Penalizing "Scraper" Sites - From The Weekly Feed #55Google launched and update that may radically affect the amount of search engine traffic your blog or website gets.

Nielsen: Apple iAds More Effective Than TV Ads - According to the soup company Campbell's, Apple iAds are twice as memorable as TV ads to the general public.

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