Template Tweaking!
Whilst bloghopping this Saturday past I noticed Aldon Hynes using a Facebook "like" feature on his blog Orient Lodge.I've always been an advocate of using any tools that enhance your visit to my humble weblog. For years, I've incorporated technorati, digg, MyBlogLog, C-Box and other services. I've got a couple of "tweet this" style buttons, which seem to work best when you tweet from the actual page URL of the post you're tweeting about.
I've used "share on facebook" before, but the requirement of changing code for every article posted got old really fast! So this little "Facebook Like" feature will hopefully do the job.
If you run just one blog or a few, as many of the "blogging for income" bloggers do, it can only help offering connections to Facebook, twitter, entrecard et al.
Here are the instructions I followed to add the "like" button to this blog.