Bloggers Cup-date! Nominations NOW!

Nominations have begun and run through MARCH 22 with Voting to follow March 22 to March 31st. Winners will be announced on April 1.

Presenting the 1st Dave Lucas Cup Awards to bloggers and social networkers worldwide!

Fans and followers get to nominate and ultimately choose the winners in various categories:

Best Blogger
Best Twitterer
Best Facebooker
Best Social Media Personality
Best Social Media Celebrity
Best Blog about Social Media
Best Micro-Blogging Platform

Best Social Media Politician
Best Social Media Site
Best Social Media Activist
Best Social Media Designer
Best Social Media Thinker
Best Social Media Community

Best Social Networking Site
Best Social Media Newspaper
Best Social Media TV Station
Best Social Media (news)Radio Station
Best Social Media (talk) Radio Station
Best Social Media (music) Radio Station

Nominations are underway NOW and run through MARCH 22 with Voting to follow March 22 to March 31st. Winners will be announced on April 1.

NOMINATIONS may be cast via the COMMENTS link below! Simply cut + paste the list above and add the names/urls of your favorities! It's that simple!

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