Around The Blogosphere 18 February 2011

Apocalypse Now: Wisconsin vs. Big Labor; Plus: More out-of-state union recruiting & another teacher speaks up for Walker; police order for AWOL Dems; America agrees: End public union monopoly -

Millions of viewers witnessed CBS2 Reporter Serene Branson’s medical emergency live on TV during the station’s newscast following the Grammy Awards. The Los Angeles TV station has posted an update with explanation on its blogpage...
The World’s Most Powerful Man Meets President Obama!

Ciudad Juárez, en la sombra del narcotráfico [es] (”Ciudad Juárez, in the shadow of drug trafficking”) reports that on February 16, Malú García Andrade's house was set on fire. Malú is an activist against femicides and human trafficking. Her mother, Norma Andrade, is a co-founder of the non-profit “May our Daughters Return Home.” Malú's sister, Lilia Alejandra, was murdered in February 2001.

Possibilians vs Agnostics

Hugo from Serbolivianoes [es] posted a video interview with blogger [es] Patricia Vargas (@arquitecta on Twitter), “one of the first bloggers and one of the most influential Twitter users in Bolivia.” In the interview she talks about the local and international blogosphere, as well as the Bolivian twittersphere.

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