Wisconsin Debate Spurs Albany Rally... And More...

Turmoil, turmoil, turmoil!

This is really about the old way of doing things collapsing under what some call "the new normal."

Lots of "gruff stuff" going on as the Wisconsin situation stirs ripples in other states (including good ol' New York!) . It's all about those state budgets as well as Unions vs. Governors.

From what I've heard on the street and through talk radio, civil service employees, government workers and union officials are being targeted by the modern-day equivalent of the old "lynch mob." One thing I kept hearing was how kids are failing in school because schools are failing (think Albany High) while people are resisting the efforts to improve education in Albany (and other places) via Charter Schools...

We are Wisconsin, We are not Egypt

Here are some photos (via the Times Union website) of the weekend rally in Albany. Chanted at the rally: "We are Wisconsin!"

The crowd was bit rougher in Lansing, Michigan at a similar rally.

Here's an interesting snip from the TU Albany newspaper article:

The show of labor solidarity attracted activists for teachers, state workers and trades, as well as local political figures and activists. "It's no different to me than watching democracy spread across the Middle East," said Mark Walsh, president of the Troy Teachers Association, who said he came to the rally to show solidarity for people in Wisconsin and the middle class across the country. 'It's a fight and they're attacking the very fiber of this country and what makes it great. It's a democratic ideal. We have to be out there -- we have to do it now. We can't wait for anything else to come to us.'"
It is hard to gauge what MainStreamMedia is trying to get Americans to believe (if they are trying at all to steer thought) and then act upon regarding Wisconsin. There are many folks who worked all their lives expectiung to retire with a fat pension and free health care, now having the rug pulled out from under them by the real, true culprit: the economy.

From Wisconsin to Libya: Watch this all get worse as gas prices rise.

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