Pop Clips » 08 Feb 2011

WARNING all ENTRECARDers! Palladium AntiVirus has been "caught" from blogs on the network! Drop only on blogs you know!
A Reflection on the Super Bowl Ads - Sunday night, I stayed up to watch some of the Super Bowl. I got tired sometime after half time and went to bed without staying up for the end of the game...

“Whether or not the revolutions will have been fully successful–and no-one has really defined that success–there is a palpable and electric sense of change, not just in North Africa but globally. The events have revealed that there is already a network for change and how it has worked. One tweet widely circulating from Egypt outlined the method: “Facebook used to set the date, Twitter used to share logistics, YouTube to show the world, all to connect people.” The dispersed co-ordination shows that the network has learned from Iran that social networking can also be used by the police to track down activists. Mubarak tried to cut off all Internet access, hoping that this would quell the street actions. Facebook went first, followed by Twitter, then all connections. It was a revolution watched on social networks, but acted in the streets.”: Annie Paul thinks Malcolm Gladwell is wrong about the significance of the role of social media in the Egyptian protests...

“But the uprising is enormous, shocking to me for this part of the world, a revolution seeded and cultivated in the blogosphere, now taken into the streets, and the women of Egypt are in the forefront....it is proof that this thing called citizen journalism is powerful”: Lynn Sweeting, in solidarity with the lady protesters of Egypt.

Those of you old enough to remember the 1970s may have forgotten about this story: In 1973, 16-year-old John Paul Getty III was abducted in Rome, Italy. Gangsters demanded $17 million for his release. When the Getty family refused to pay up, the kidnappers cut off the teenager's ear and mailed it to an Italian newspaper. That wasn't the end... this kid paid a terrible price and now he has passed.

What Can Bob Marley Teach Bloggers? - An artist’s life is a gift to his community. Appreciation of the gift is another matter...A blog should have a mission...

NewYorkPost: WTFB? Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg files restraining order against alleged Facebook stalker http://nyp.st/dUDPWo -

GAP Clothing And Usher Bring Freedom To China - American clothing retailer, ‘GAP’ is launching the second phase of its first ever Chinese advertising campaign, “Let’s GAP Together“.

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