God, Please Make My Blog Popular!

A Real Eye-Opener!

A lady blogger overseas recently made a move to try and increase her online income. Keep in mind that there are a lot of work-at-home moms and work-at-home artists, merchandisers & copywriters throughout Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. This lady (who asked she not be linked to or otherwise identified) had been posting in both English and Chinese, about a 50-50 mix.

She decided to join entrecard and signed up for cmf ads, nuffnang and AdSense. She was forced to stop posting in Chinese, as that is frowned upon by many online services. They demand English. The screengrabs from Alexa (to the left) show the results. From almost the day she made the change TIME ON SITE tanked! Her blog's BOUNCE RATE SKYROCKETED.

I'm not passing judgement here. Just looking at a snapshot of what one blogger did and what happened to her blog afterward. You might get different results. You might not.

Point is, with the world economy a big fat question mark, bloggers are scrambling to make money online any way they can... even the MICROPENNIES count! Some of the services out there pay .0002 per click - do the math - how many clicks to get to ONE CENT? (Those micro-pennies DO add up! I remember seeing financial guru-ess Suze Orman saying on National TV that if she sees a penny on the pavement, she cannot resist picking it up!)

With so many blogs out there - think about this - imagine every house on your street had its own radio broadcasting station that could be dialed in from anywhere in town. Who would be able to listen to all of these stations? Who would want to? Other residents in the same building might find a radio station across town they like better than their own.

That's what the blogosphere is like for millions upon millions of bloggers. Some will never see traffic rise above "10 hits" in a day. Very few will attract more than a thousand visits a day.

More than a year ago when I noticed my blog traffic had taken a mysterious sudden dramatic plunge, I searched for ways to attract visitors - quickly. I found entrecard and immediately put it to work. Fast forward to now. I'm still affiliated with the network but I now get 19 or 20 visits a day from entrecarders. And that's not really a bad thing: I've found a more effective way to lure visitors and get them to STAY ON THE PAGE for more than a minute:

Continuously upload fresh content: post, post, post!

I carry a notebook with me at all times to jot down ideas. When I get on a roll, I can fill up a few pages of that notebook in no time! I don't have to be online to blog, either! I often sit at the computer and write. Sometimes I write posts on my smartphone's notepad or write an email on my VM Kyocera and send it to myself. There have been times when I have as many as a dozen posts in the preparation and/or "rough draft" stage.

Get those "creative juices" flowing! Are you on blogger or wordpress? Both platforms allow bloggers to "save" posts without publishing them immediately. Users also have the option of scheduling posts to appear later on...

You could even be posting articles after you've died! You could "stay alive" on the net for decades, assuming whatever servers were holding your data didn't crash or get corrupted or switched "off."

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