Around The Blogosphere 21 February 2011

Prophesies of McLuhan - "Products are becoming services." (1966) "The future of the future is the present." (1968) "The global village is nosy busibodies..." (1968)

LIBYA ::: feb17voices has begun interviewing and collecting audio testimonies of people throughout Libya. Bob Dylan's "The times they-are-a-changin'" has more than social oomph this time around! (And just WHEN were the Grammies EVER in touch with American pop culture?)

REPORT: Military jets attack protesters in Tripoli...
Two pilots refuse, fly to Malta, defect...
Oil companies move staff...
U.S. military chief visits Gulf to urge restraint...
Khamenei: America must be removed from Islamic world...

Breakup Notifier Emails You When People You’re Stalking On Facebook Change Their Relationships

Creators of crowdsourcing mapping service ambitiously aim to “unite all bloggers on one map.” Despite many incorrectly mapped blogs, the service offers quite unusual experience of finding Russian bloggers even in the most distant places [RUS].

Witnesses Scramble To Loot Cash Spilled On Street In Beijing - Images of Beijing residents scrambling to grab the many 100 RMB cash notes that apparently spilled out of a motorcyclist's backpack during a traffic accident...

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