Tribute to Isabelle Adjani... The Art of a successfull book!

The literary or musical is a world where everyone knows each other!

So a few months ago, a French journalist contacted Bernard Bujold, the creator of, to interview him about Isabelle Adjani.

"I had photographed her in 2004 at the World Film Festival of Montreal. The journalist from France was referred by one founder of the website Rue 89, Laurent Mauriac, whom I met during a conference on professional journalism. I was very happy to share my experience with Isabelle especially since I always admired this woman and she was the one who inspired me to create the website I was even willing to offer my photos to illustrate the book by the French journalist (Erwan Chuberre). However, out of curiosity, I wanted to know who was the book editor.

Surprise of surprises, it was Pierre Turgeon and his "umpteenth" new publishing house, this time COGITO. I withdrew my offer on the pictures but I squandered my comment that can be read on pages 219 and 220 in the book. I told there my meeting with Isabelle and my photo shoot.

The book THE LEGEND OF Adjani is very well written and we must congratulate the author.

For the success of the book in bookstores, we will have to wait and see the result ...

The art of creating a bestseller, whether in music or literature depends 10% of the author and 90% marketing. In marketing, we can divide tasks into four equal portions which are as follows:

25% publisher; 25% distribution; 25% merchants; and 25% advertising.

To be continued..."

Photo 1: Bernard Bujold and a copy of La Légende d'Adjani ;

Photo 2 -3: Isabelle Adjani

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