Albany Shenanigans
Sayeth Martley: "What's Good For Kollege Kids is Good For Kops! If we can turn the other cheek to those who threaten our safety, we should be willing to do the same for those who PROTECT our safety!"Follow the logic!
"...stopped for allegedly driving without his headlights on."
In the weekend news, a veteran of the Albany Police Department, 3 months shy of retirement, made headlines on a DWI charge, a charge made AFTER the gentleman was pulled over FOR NOT HAVING HIS HEADLIGHTS ON.People are wondering what if the Albany Police Department and the City of Albany, were to show the same level of leniency offered in the case the drunken Long Island hooligans... make a new law, so that
FROM NOW ON, all Albany police and city vehicles must be of the make and model where the headlights switch on automatically when there is not enough natural light.
Such a ruling, they reason, would be in the same spirit as moving uAlbany spring break to coincide with the week St. Patrick's Day falls in, so future keg and egg kids, a year or two or three shy of graducation, won't get into trouble.
Issuing vehicles equipped with automatic headlamps to coincide with those times officers forget to switch them on will prevent future police (and city) personell from getting into trouble.
Tags: Albany Police, uAlbany