Welcome to My World, Saturday March 12, 2011

Not the greatest day for people in Japan. First an earthquake, then a tsunami, bazillions of yen in damage, and now a nuclear threat!

This should cool America's heels when it comes to nuclear power in a hurry. Hmmm... have you noticed that every time the public starts to open up to the idea of nuclear power, something really bad happens? Nobody wants to even think about evacuating from their home. And do what? Sit around in the shelter? Have the government tell you it's all over now, like the Russians did with Chernobyl?

During the week I heard a lot of trash talk on talk radio about the Catholic Church and Andrew Cuomo. Debate over whether Cuomo should take Communion because he is living with a woman who he is not married to. Not once did anyone make the obvious connection: The Church had better not criticize Cuomo - all the Governor has to do is ask "what about all of your pedophile priests and the hanky-panky with altar boys." In other words, clean up your own act before you go telling everyone how dirty someone else's is. (By the way, those pedi-priests are reprehensible. And if the Church got tough on companionship, they'd be closing many more houses of worship because nobody'd go.)

There's a blurb in the newspaper about the Brooklyn DA's investigation into the case of a 19-year old woman who killed a hamster. Really? Aren't there much more pressing cases involving human beings that nobody bats an eye about?

I'm on a bitter roll today!

Here's something: a study out Friday reveals Americans are avoiding short trips to Canada whenever possible. "They seem to think there's no reason to go." LOL!

Back to Japan: it seems the gods (and the oil companies) are intent on making that double-dip recesssion prophecy of mine come true. The big fallout from high gasoline prices will likely come in May, IMHO.

On the bright side: nice to see Congresswoman Gabby Giffords making a good recovery. God Bless Her!

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