How To Attract Readers To Your Blog

As bloggers strive to get more exposure and attract readers in, David Leonhardt, acting perhaps as a "digital town crier" is letting all know that Google NEWS is now sucking up more and more articles from social bookmarking websites.

This knowledge, coupled with careful monitoring of Google Trends, should give a blogger an advantage, albeit perhaps a momentary one.

David's most important point is his first.

Quality. Substance. Original Idea. NEW Information.

Remember, you can only re-write and re-imaging "How To Get More Backlinks" SO many times before people are sticking their fingers down their throats!

THINK OUTSIDE THE PIXEL! (My new battle-cry!) POP your stories:::

What are some of the most important things you need to do for your stories to pop?

  • Make sure the story is good quality. That means substantive. That means original ideas and new information. That means well written.
  • Make sure all your submissions are quality. You will develop a reputation, and when people see your avatar, they will pay attention.
  • The title is important. Make sure it’s enticing so that people want to check it out.
  • Vote for other people’s stuff. Yes, people will return the favor. Nobody votes for stuff left by a hit-and-run marketer.
  • Comment on other people’s stuff. It’s a great way to get noticed. Make sure your comments are substantive and add to the discussion - you want to be noticed as someone of interest, not as a pest.
  • Invite some friends to join the community. Not only are they your natural supporters, but others will appreciate that you have helped grow the community.
  • Don’t be shy to ask for help. That’s what Twitter is for: “Can you please check out my latest sub at SBsite X? Votes, comments, shares appreciated.”

* “Pop” stands for “popular”. Stories that are voted “popular” usually pop to the front page of social bookmarking websites. On many sites this is called being “published”.

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