Bill Clinton's $200,000 uAlbany Appearance

For some reason or other, an inquiring mind inquired as to the cost of bringing former US President Bill Clinton to the Capital Region to speak at uAlbany's SEFCU arena. I attended last Wednesday night's talk, which was, as Albany County Executive Mike Breslin described to me, "incredibly optimistic." It does lead to wondering what might happen if Bill were to return to DC (perhaps as "first man?")...

The Student Association's Joe Bonilla remarked "This is someone whose been a world leader for a number of years... from that perspective I think what students can say is 'I learned a lot that evening that will help me in my life.'" Joe's not kidding! The lecture was awesome and still being talked about on campus. (Full disclosure: I attended uAlbany in the past.)

As I read through background material preparing to cover Clinton's visit, I noticed The Daily Gazette of Schenectady filed a freedom-of-information request to see the bill for the event.

Here's a look at the contract. The spotlight has been shining oh-so-blindingly on New York State's lack of ca$h and barrelful of cuts to education etc., in these "tough economic times," so, naturally, there is concern where ordinarily no questions would be asked. Hence, articles have appeared like this one.

Bill Clinton's speaking fee was funded by student fees and not paid for by the college's general fund.

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