Better Blogging For Bloggers Tip #1

Ok - I am not really sure this is going to turn into a series of posts, but I gave it a number anyway! In case you haven't noticed, I've placed my "Around the Blogosphere" and "Pop Clips" series on the back burners. Why? Because of their structure, I'm guessing that maybe, just mabe, they might run afoul of the changes Google has made to the way it calculates PR and other considerations. While aggregators have a legitimate place in the blogosphere, I don't want any post on this humble weblog from hereon in to appear as though it may be "scraping" and/or auto-assembling content in what might be mis-interpreted by googlebots (or any otherbots) as splog.

From the archive here is physicist-turned-radio-producer, David Kestenbaum with a suggestions from his 2006 manifesto about tackling difficult topics and making them interesting. While this skillfully prepared piece was originally intended for reporters putting radio stories together, there's no reason why the advice couldn't be re-worked and cobbled into something BLOGGERS could use!

So, bloggers, your first assignment is to read Kestenbaum's article and transpose the advice into something you and your fellow-bloggers (like me) can benefit from. Feel free to leave your own version in the "comments" section below.

Who knows? Maybe I'll award the best article a prize!

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