Life's Biggest Unsolved Mystery

What happens when we die?

Will we know all that we knew when we were alive?

Or are all of the cellular chemical interactions that cause memory doomed to die along with the physical body?

Will you know it if the entity men call "the soul" journeys to "heaven" or "hell"?

Think of someone you know who has passed on. Your uncle. Your mother. Your child. A celebrity. It could have been last week, last month, last year. It could have been decades ago.

The fact that YOU remember them and perhaps have been driven to learn more about them speaks volumes.

The fact that one single human: a Jesus, a Mohammed, a Plato, can impact society to the extent he is still remembered thousands of years later is no small feat!

And one of time's greatest mysteries may now be unlocked via understanding of what a tsunami is and what kind of damage it can do: thanks to Plato, we can begin to believe ther actually was a place called Atlantis!

"Atlantis, a land of peace, rich in commerce, advanced in knowledge, dominate over the surrounding islands and continents. The people of Atlantis became complacent and their leaders arrogant; in punishment the Gods destroyed Atlantis, flooding it and submerging the island in one day and night.

It was Plato, the Greek philosopher who brought to the world the story of the lost continent, and was the first to use the term "Atlantis". His story began to unfold for him around 355 B.C. He wrote about this land called Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 370 B.C. Plato said that the continent lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years previous."[source]
I would venture to guess there are many more mysteries waiting to be unlocked.

Things hiding in plain sight.

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