uAlbany Sends Wrong Message?

So, uAlbany was out cleaning up "Hooligan Row" on Friday. One radio station reported that the President of SUNY Albany would be joining the clean-up crew...

Kegs and Eggs Albany 2011 Riot - Music Video
3 min - 6 days ago
Uploaded by kuraibankusu

Some students think the University is sending the message to the Pine Hills Terrorists, aka/Long Islanders "it's awright, we'll clean up your mess."

The students say the Kegs and Eggs crowd should be made to clean up their own mess. PEROID...

But no --- the kowtowing continues:

"President George Philip said UAlbany's administration decided to schedule spring break next year to coincide with St. Patrick's Day, a move made after dozens of students vandalized cars, destroyed furniture and smashed bottles Saturday during a "kegs and eggs" pre-St. Patrick's Day party.

Wrecked Maxima at Kegs and Eggs, Albany 2011
56 sec - 6 days ago
Uploaded by wizzyd2010

Furious administrators said they also are weighing the cancellation of Fountain Day, its annual spring celebration popular with students." Read more »

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