Enter the Loop
Things come and go on the Net: this blog carries a mix of old and new widgets, networks and technologies...
If you look over to the top right-hand sidebar you will see I have added a marvelous little widget to this blog. There's also a little picture of the widget below. It's right under the "Entrecard 125x125" advert widget. See it?Back in 2005 or so there were a lot of blogs linking via "ring surf" or "surf ring" - I think even blog*spot still has the old "next blog" feature... it's a portal - a way that you could jump to visit another blog that may or may not have something in common with the blog you visited in the first place.
THE LOOP is an easy way to visit great blogs - the added value is that if you are an Entrecarder, you can "drop" your EC on the blogs you visit... you also become a member of a unique little network of linked blogs!
Even better: if a particular EC widget tweaks your curiousity, you can click on that EC widget and the advertised blog or website will open in a NEW window. So you'll have an extra opportunity to make a drop, without losing your place on THE LOOP's "surf ring"...
The "loopmaster" tells me that some visitors using the Loop are NOT entrecard members. They just like going from blog to blog without opening up a bunch of windows. I suspect some of them might be "old school" ringsurfers!
While I have this opportunity, I'd like to address fellow-entrecarders. Love the service or tolerate it - be you an active dropper or a once-in-awhile dropper, you gotta admit it's a very unique service and very valuable! If you start to think you're spending too much time doing the drops, the LOOP is a great way to get a little more stabilized! Don't worry if you can't hit that magic 300 a day... I don't!
Tags: network blogs, linked blogs