Anthony Weiner lewd , Democrat in slip on Twitter photo

A Democrat elected in New York acknowledged Monday he sent several photos of him in his underwear to women encountered on the Internet. Problems: the elected is married and said photos have been published.

A former Director of the IMF favorite to win the Elysée in 2012 charged with sexual assault on a woman of the household of a grand hotel in Manhattan. A Democrat elected married aimed to conquer the city of New York, sending him daring photos women encountered on the Internet. Or how two politicians apparently destiny all path saw their hopes reduced to nil for dark stories of manners. The parallel is eloquent. Concordance of the events it is as much.
The two cases passionate about both sides of the Atlantic. Dominique Strauss-Kahn accumulate each on our side. Anthony Weiner takes the leading role in the face. This democratic elected acknowledged Monday, the same day where DSK argued charging that he had well sent via Twitter, photos of him in undress women encountered on the Internet. To ask why sex makes crazy policies around the world.
Married to a close to Hillary Clinton
Legally, the facts alleged to Anthony Weiner have absolutely nothing illegal. Strictly speaking, photographs are of a certain bad taste and their diffusion on a social network is probably not the result of a very great vision. One of the clichés shows including Weiner, dressed in full erection (see photo) and a slip apparently. Only, Anthony Weiner is married for a year to a close collaborator of Hillary Clinton. The latter surely know the Advisor on how to manage media coverage of sexual taunts of her husband publicly.
Monday, the President-elect of the Queens, one of the five borough of New York, acknowledged his error. Tremolo in the voice and begging look, Anthony Weiner has admitted having committed "a highly regrettable error". He returned to his first explanation of the Sheraton hotel near Times Square. When the photos were discovered, he first had assured that its Facebook and Twitter accounts had been hacked. "I did not say the truth and I have in things that I regret deeply, he finally confessed.". (…) I have hurt people to which I would like. "And the elected to justify:"I lied because I was ashamed of what I did."
Anthony Weiner then apologized to his wife, to which he has been married since last July. "I greatly like my wife, he said. (…) We did not intend to separate us. "But it will have to be strong to face the media storm that today hits its torque. Monday, the same day where Weiner held his press conference, several tabloids Americans such as the New Daily and the New York Post made their case. With the same sense of good taste which Anthony Weiner taking his photos
If the facts are legally not reprehensible, they could mark the end of the political career of democratic elected officials. Because the Americans, often perceived as prudish our side of the ocean, like nothing less than the lie. However, in this story, Anthony Weiner has lied. He lied to his wife by sending messages and pictures to other women met on the Internet. He lied to everyone claiming if pirated fact be his account Twitter.

Yet the democratic elected will not draw hasty conclusions. "I not resign", he assured Monday. There is no separation. Is no resignation. Anthony Weiner would, once the tears dried, that everything is as before.

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