#WeinerGate, Bevacqua, Facebook and Twitter


Questions arise after a look at a politician's "tweetstream" ... Michelle Malkin has finally jumped into the #WeinerGate debate, offering a package of links and VIDEO!

Michelle has an idea as to what may have actually happened: "As a dedicated Twitter user myself, the most likely scenario is that Weiner himself mistakenly DM’ed (direct-messaged) the “prank” photo to the young woman in Seattle and intended it to be private. It takes just one wrong keystroke for a private DM to appear in one’s public timeline." We'll wait and see, I guess!

Onto other things:::

RIP Jonas Bevacqua

Your personal internet experience ::: are you being cheated by Facebook, Google, etc.?

Here's a snippet, in case you find yourself blocked by one of those "pay walls" ---

Eli Pariser, the author of “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You.” Personalization on the Web, he says, is becoming so pervasive that we may not even know what we’re missing: the views and voices that challenge our own thinking.

You know I limit the number of people I follow on twitter to 300. Look at what follows below: Should I think about cutting that number in half? Anyone? Aldon? Larry?


Human Brain Limits Twitter Friends To 150 - Technology Review

Speaking of Larry B, he's posted 18 articles targeted at LinkedIn users, which "explore a wide range of viewpoints, and they will hopefully help you to formulate and implement your LinkedIn plan".

Via Journalism.co.uk ::: How the five journalists with the greatest online influence use social media.

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