#WeinerGate #certitude
Genette Cordova, cover girl!
Say it with CERTITUDE! #WeinerGate followers, this post is dedicated to you!
In one of my earlier #WeinerGate posts, I mentioned that Michelle Malkin had, curiously, not weighed in on the issue. WELL! MM tackles Weiner with dazzling precision! Snippet time:
"In a little-noticed red flag during his softball interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Weiner himself indicated that he may have stored such photos “in another account.”There is no end to this... not yet, anyway!
Here are some other articles for you to consider & comment on:::
News Corpse (Blog) » The Internet's Chronicle of Media Decay
The SeXiest accent in China? Jenny Zhu reports.
Teen girls are solidly supporting Rihanna, who has been under a firestorm of controversy since her “Man Down” video was released Tuesday. In the video, RiRi is portrayed shooting a man, who we later find out sexually assaulted her in the storyline. Groups such as the Parents Television Council are fighting to have the video banned from major networks. Rihanna:And what about that e-coli outbreak in Europe? Would having your own garden be a better alternative?
Thank you for the amazing response on ManDownVideo I love you guys, and I love that u GOT IT!!!
1 Jun
Tags: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Politics & Social Media

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