#WeinerGate : Huma Abedin PREGNANT

OW! It should be one of the happiest times of their lives...A report publihsed by the Chicago Sun-Times claims sources close to Hillary Clinton say the secretary of state herself was even more outraged than Huma as the increasingly sleazy details about Rep.Weiner’s “sexting” scandal unfolded. The paper quotes a "longtime Clinton supporter" as saying “What especially infuriates Hillary is how Weiner blatantly lied, and then gave that embarrassing and humiliating press conference when he ’fessed up...she can’t believe he’d just be so stupid about the whole thing.” [LINK]


Kirsten Gillibrand, New York's Junior Senator who led the charge to bring down western NY's Chris Lee after he texted a bare-chested foto of himself, seems to be in hiding regarding Rep. Weiner. NOT in hiding: columnist Maureen Dowd, who writes in the National Review Online that "Weiner should have sexted more glamorous women!"

Anthony Weiner X-rated photo revealed same day as Huma Abedin pregnant news

Daily Mail -
Huma Abedin is thought to be in the early stages of pregnancy, adding an entirely new dimension to the scandal and Ms Abedin's controversial decision to stand by her man after he admitted 'sexting' with six women. Video: Raw Video: Weiner's Wife Traveling With Clinton

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