Digging Up DEAD AID

Coincidences are funny things - I had taken the PC online while cleaning my desk out Friday. Just about the same moment I came across my Dambisa Moyo file and was looking thru the papers pictured above, this blog posting appeared in my RSS reader.

It began: This morning I accidentally stumbled on this old blog post from 2009, about Dambisa Moyo's book, Dead Aid, and I thought it was worth resurrecting its rotting corpse and taking another look.

It was a bit of a ranty rambly blog post at the time, and I also forgot to follow up one of the comments, which linked to this radio interview with Moyo, which I've now listened to.

Night of the Living Dead Aid

Phil aka "The Evil Flea" continued on... making valid points along the way. I remember well my interview with Ms. Moyo. The raw tape runs for about an hour. We not only chatted about "Dead Aid" - we touched on her next book and about taking tea among other pleasantries. One thing I didn't ask Ms. Moyo was about her marital status. I didn't think of it at that time, and didn't think it was important... but over the last year or so I see a lot of traffic from Bing and Google where websurfers have keyed in the phrase "Dambisa Moyo husband."

I enjoyed speaking with her and reading her work: she's quite intelligent and understands the global economy and its innermost workings.

A book can be compared to a hit record. The artist (writer) is driven by the publishing house to go forth and support it (book tours, appearances, interviews, etc.), which is exactly what brought Ms. Moyo and myself together in conversation way back when...

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