Spotlight on Sarah Palin

I find the mainstream media's obsession with Sarah Palin intriguing. As of this writing, Palin hasn't declared herself a candidate! One commenter on an ABC news blog wrote "Is it creepy obsession, or is it worry that Obama will lose in 2012?"

Certainly President Obama is in one economic pothole of depression. And most likely the continued association of Rep. Weiner with Bill Clinton has crushed any happiness Hillary might have had that she ahd not been given the '08 nomination.

Michelle Malkin has nicknamed the Palin pursuit "Operation Get Sarah" as the MSM is now rummaging through piles of old Palin emails!

Many bloggers, who paid soooo much attention to that ficticious "Gay Girl In Damascaus" have been very busy throwing stones at the media for paying sooooo much attention to Anthony Weiner (and now Sarah Palin), which leads me to believe something much bigger must be brewing and this is all diversion... What do YOU think about that?

Reminder: Boys & Girls! Don't forget to switch off your facebooks's facial recognition system!

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